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Kneelength Lederhosen

Knee-length lederhosen for men

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Lederhose GEORG
Lederhose kniebund mit H-Träger braun Wim 110076
Lederhose kniebund mit Gürtel antik-braun Schönsee 110794

The knee-length lederhose for man has its origin in the knee-breeches, also known as „culotte“, which were worn during the French Revolution in 1789. The original and modern version of the shorts share several common features:

  • Also the original knee-breeches had a bib with buttons.
  • The shorts ended just below the knee
  • The width around the calf was also adjustable

By the 19th century, the knee-breeches evolved into workwear but were also worn as festive attire by the aristocracy. Especially in the Alpine region and in Bavaria, leather was soon adopted as the preferred material. Among lederhosen, the knee-length lederhose, is still one of the most popular trachten pants up to this day.

Combine the knee-length lederhosen in any way

The traditionaal kne-length lederhosen accompanies you to many different occasions. There are perfect for folk festivals, weddings, family anniversaries and much more. By combining them with a matching trachten shirt and a trachten jacket, you can personalize the look to your liking.

The knee-length lederhosen for men at MOSER Trachten

At MOSER Trachten, we place great importance on leather a material quality, as well as a perfect craftsmanship. We also focus on creating an authentically rustic, yet clever and innovative design, along with the right cut for optimal comfort. Visit us and discover a variety of knee-length lederhosen model!