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Combine traditional skirts in a modern way: Tradition meets trend

Bring a breath of fresh air to traditional fashion! Find out how to make your traditional skirt versatile and suitable for everyday wear.
Traditional costumes in film and television: A look at pop culture

From classic films to modern series and music videos - traditional costumes play a major role in pop culture.
The importance of traditional costume clubs and festivals in the preservation of tradition

Traditional costume clubs are living guardians of our cultural traditions. Immerse yourself in the world of traditional costume clubs!
Traditional costumes in Germany - A reflection of regional diversity and tradition

Discover the colorful world of traditional German costumes and be inspired by the diversity!
New combinations of traditional costume pieces: the most beautiful ideas for everyday life and festive events

Traditional costume is no longer just for festivals! Find out how Janker, skirts & blouses can be integrated into everyday life.
Traditional costumes and sustainability: responsible fashion

Tradition meets responsibility: traditional costume fashion & sustainability complement each other perfectly - discover sustainable traditional costume fashion!
Zubehor, Kleidung, Hut
Trachten fashion for men: Which accessories are a must?

With the right accessories, your outfit will be a real eye-catcher! Discover the must-haves of traditional costume fashion for men.
Trachten jackets, loden jackets & full-length jackets: stylish companions for fall

Autumn is coming - time for stylish traditional jackets! Discover loden jackets, full-length jackets and traditional jackets!
The traditional costume at folk festivals - a history

Discover the fascinating history of the development of traditional costume at folk festivals and be inspired!
The most beautiful traditional costumes from around the world - traditional clothing in other countries

Join us on a journey around the globe and find out more about the most beautiful and important traditional costumes in the world!
Traditional costume fashion for the summer: light fabrics and airy cuts

We show you how to show off your traditional costume in style on hot days with light fabrics and airy cuts.
Traditional costumes and crafts: The art of traditional textiles

Experience the fascinating world of traditional costumes and textiles that reflect the cultural heritage of many regions.
Trachten fashion through the ages

Immerse yourself in the eventful history of Bavarian costume and find out more about traditional costumes!
Dirndl trends for late summer and Oktoberfest 2024

Get ready for Oktoberfest 2024 and discover the latest dirndl trends at MOSER Trachten!
A uniform appearance in traditional costume: Your company in Bavarian tradition

Traditional costume is more than just clothing - it symbolizes tradition, solidarity and pride in the company too!
Washed dirndl - your perfect dirndl for everyday wear

The cotton dirndl, also known as the wash dirndl, is a particularly practical and stylish representative.
Traditional costumes and the new media: presence in social networks

The topic of traditional costumes is extremely present on social media, be it on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or TikTok.
Dirndls and lederhosen for special occasions such as christenings and communions

Traditional costumes for children transform special occasions such as christenings and communions into unforgettable events. More here!
10 tips for a magical traditional costume wedding in spring

Discover our tips for a traditional costume wedding in spring - including dirndl and lederhosen for the bride and groom!
Strong beer festivals open the festive season and the traditional costume season

Welcome to the world of the strong beer festival, a highlight of Bavarian festival culture. All important information here!
Dirndl and traditional costume fashion 2024: tonal colors and high-quality fabrics

The dirndl and traditional costume trends 2024 impress with tonal colors and reduced, flattering silhouettes.
Christmas in traditional costume: a festive experience

The festive time of year is just around the corner & with it comes the return of a wonderful tradition: Christmas in traditional costume.
Traditional costume gifts for women, men and children

Discover inspiring ideas for him, her and children and find the ideal gift for your loved ones!
Time for jackets with dirndls

Now is the time for warming traditional costume companions: from knitted/walking jackets to loden jackets or ponchos. More!
Cleaning dirndls properly after the folk festival season

Find out how to give your dirndl a fresh new look after the folk festival. Read more!
The Bavarian beer garden rules

In this blog article, we reveal the secrets of the Bavarian beer garden rules. Discover more here!
What belongs in the Wiesn bag?

Essential items in every Wiesn bag for a perfect day at the Oktoberfest. Find out more here!
Couch, Erwachsener, Weiblich, Person, Frau
The dirndl trends for the Munich Oktoberfest

All the latest traditional costume trends for the Oktoberfest - discover tips for the perfect Oktoberfest outfit here!
Kleid, Blond, Person, Abendkleid, Formelle Kleidung
Which dirndl colors suit you?

Choosing the right dirndl color can be a challenge. MOSER Trachten can help you!
Erwachsene, Weiblich, Person, Frau, Nähen
Dirndls are easy to alter: The perfect fit for your traditional dress

Your dirndl can be adapted to fit perfectly by making suitable alterations. We show you the possibilities!
Traditional shirt: plaid or striped?

In the world of traditional costume fashion, the traditional shirt is an indispensable item of clothing. Find out more here!
Trends in traditional costume fashion: the velvet dirndl

One of the latest trends that has taken the hearts of fashion enthusiasts by storm is the velvet dirndl.
Trachten loafers - the right way to wear traditional calf warmers

Discover the traditional elegance of Trachten loafers for men. More about tradition and styling at MOSER.
Traditional costume horoscope: Which dirndl suits your zodiac sign?

Are you curious to find out which dirndl suits you best according to your zodiac sign? Discover more here now!
The most beautiful hairstyles for dirndls

Dirndl hairstyles are especially popular during the Oktoberfest season. Discover the most beautiful hairstyles!
The perfect dirndl blouse for your traditional outfit

A skilfully selected dirndl blouse defines your entire traditional outfit and shows off your décolleté to its best advantage.
The most beautiful accessories for dirndls: tips from the pros

Which accessories go with a dirndl: traditional hat, floral wreath or choker? We present suitable accessories!
Which dirndl neckline suits you?

The selection of breathtaking traditional dresses with different dirndl necklines is huge. Let us clarify!
The best shoe trends for dirndls

A dirndl is only complete with the right footwear. In this context, there are a variety of shoe trends.
Traditional fabrics and their processing methods

There is a large selection of traditional costume fabrics. Discover the different fabrics including their special features.
Traditional costumes as a Christmas present

Can traditional costumes & Christmas be combined? For us at MOSER Trachten the answer is quite clear: Yes!
Traditional costume tips for children

Read here in our blog which tips should be considered for traditional costume fashion for children!
The variety of traditional costumes in everyday life

Dirndls and lederhosen are an integral part of many occasions, especially in Bavaria - but also in everyday life.
Wear traditional costume correctly

We have prepared tips on how to wear dirndls and lederhosen correctly so that you don't put your foot in it.
Boutique, Geschäft, Person, Drinnen, Mobiliar
About us - MOSER Trachten

As Bavaria's largest costume outfitter, we stand for a wide variety of traditional costume fashion - from traditional to trendy!
A short history of the dirndl

Traditional costume fashion and especially dirndls are more popular than ever before, but what exactly is behind the dirndl for women?
Cleaning leather trousers

To keep your lederhosen looking good after many parties, they need to be cleaned. Here are a few simple tips.
Bavaria's best piece - the lederhosen

What the dirndl is to women, lederhosen are to men. We briefly outline the history here!
Be unique - limited edition dirndls

Women strive to look stylish in a special dirndl. Discover our limited edition dirndls!
Small dirndl advice

Many customers ask us which dirndl suits them and which length and neckline shape we can recommend.

Unsere Dirndl Highlights

Dirndl LORA (70 cm)
Dirndl MARIA (65 cm)
Dirndl SOFIE (65 cm)
Dirndl ERIKA (65 cm)
Dirndl THERESIA (80 cm)
Dirndl SELENE (60 cm)
Dirndl MAXIMA (70 cm)
Dirndl VALERIE (70 cm)
Dirndl JULIA (80 cm)
Dirndl KATHI (65 cm)
Dirndl DANIELA (80 cm)
Dirndl SARAH (80 cm)
Dirndl ROSANNA (65 cm)
Dirndl PATRICE (70 cm)
Dirndl DEVINA (70 cm)

MOSER Trachten und Dirndl – Bayerns größter Trachtenausstatter

MOSER Trachten bietet Dir mehr als 15.000 Artikel hochwertiger und aktueller Trachtenmode für Damen, Herren und Kinder von über 40 Herstellern. Profitiere von der Qualität renommierter Marken. Von klassisch bis modern und ausgefallen – das ganze Jahr über präsentieren wir Dir die schönsten Trachten-Trends in unserem Trachten-Blog

Profitiere zudem von der MOSER® Best-Preis-Garantie: Beste Preise auf das gesamte Sortiment – nirgendwo günstiger! Siehst Du einen gleichen Artikel anderswo – auch online – innerhalb von 14 Tagen günstiger, erstatten wir Dir die volle Preisdifferenz. 

Lass Dich von unserem vielfältigen Angebot inspirieren und stelle mithilfe unserer Ideen tolle Trachtenoutfits zusammen. Jetzt Trachten kaufen im MOSER Trachten Onlineshop!

Trachten: Dirndl, Lederhosen und noch vieles mehr – einfach online bestellen

Der elegante Trachten-Stil ist längst für jedermann geeignet! In unserem großen Onlineshop findest Du Deine neue Tracht in verschiedenen Ausführungen, für alle Anlässe und für die ganze Familie. Den angesagten Trachten-Look kannst Du zum Beispiel zu einer Hochzeit, einer Geburtstagsfeier oder vielen anderen Festen tragen.

Große Dirndl-Auswahl: Wähle fesche Mini-Dirndl für den Biergartenbesuch, exklusive Dirndl für feierliche Anlässe und ausgesuchte Hochzeitsdirndl für Deinen besonderen Tag. MOSER Trachten hat alles, was das Trachtenherz der Damen höher schlagen lässt.

Einige unserer Dirndl eignen sich mit ihren sommerlich-luftigen Materialien perfekt für die heiße Jahreszeit. Andere lassen sich, vor allem mit einigen wärmenden Accessoires, besonders gut im Herbst und Winter tragen. Wähle aus über 500 Modellen Dein persönliches Traumdirndl. Auch das passende Zubehör wie Dirndlbluse, Trachtenschuhe, Strickjacken und den unverzichtbaren Dirndl-BH findest Du direkt hier in unserem Shop.

Was für die Damen die Dirndl sind, ist für die Herren die klassische Lederhose. Kombiniert mit einem modischen Hemd im Karomuster oder traditionell in Weiß, kreierst Du den unverwechselbaren Trachten-Look für jede Gelegenheit. Abgerundet wird dieses Outfit mit den passenden Haferlschuhen und Loferl. Bestickte Samtwesten, Strickjacken, Lodenjacken und sogar Badehosen in Lederhosen-Optik komplettieren das breitgefächerte Angebot für fesche Männer im Trachten-Stil.

Accessoires zur Tracht – Unabdingbares Zubehör für das perfekte Trachten-Outfit

Zu Deiner Tracht für das Oktoberfest oder andere Anlässe gehören natürlich die entsprechenden Accessoires. Im MOSER Online-Shop wartet eine große Auswahl an Accessoires auf Dich.

Trachten-Gutscheine – das passende Geschenk für jeden Anlass

Jeder kennt solche Situationen: Die Geburtstagsfeier der besten Freundin oder eine Hochzeit im Familienkreis steht an. Da stellt sich häufig die Frage nach einem passenden Geschenk – und das ist nicht immer leicht zu finden. Blumen und Bargeld gelten zumeist als unkreativ, und für Hobbys und Vorlieben sind die Gastgeber meistens schon optimal ausgestattet.

In solchen Fällen bietet Dir MOSER Trachten die ideale Lösung: Ein Geschenkgutschein für unseren Onlineshop oder eine unserer 38 Filialen in Bayern. Mit verschiedenen wählbaren Beträgen lässt Du der oder dem Beschenkten selbst die Wahl, welches Trachtenoutfit sie oder er sich davon kaufen möchte. So bist Du stets auf der sicheren Seite und machst Deinen Liebsten garantiert eine große Freude.

Wir wünschen Dir viel Freude beim Shoppen in unserem Onlineshop für Trachtenmode, Dirndl & Lederhosen!